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This site is about empowerment. Empowerment to:
Each tip will lead you to a brief explanation with additional articles and expert videos. After spending time here, you will have the information to lose weight the proper way and enjoy a much healthier lifestyle. Ken Leebow Author, Speaker, and Health Advocate [email protected] |
Tip 1 - Treat your body like a house of worship … with respect.
Tip 2 - Got health?
Tip 3 - We do not have a health care crisis.
Tip 4 - Being healthy is a revolutionary act.
Tip 5 - Be an informed consumer. Have a healthy dose of skepticism.
Tip 6 - Genes load the gun, but lifestyle pulls the trigger.
Tip 7 - Are you on The Main Street Diet?
Tip 8 - The American diet is the worst diet you can eat.
Tip 9 - The Western diet can be funny.
Tip 10 - Myth buster: If you eat a healthy diet, it's bland and boring.
Tip 11 - Enjoy food.
Tip 12 - Diets don't work, lifestyle changes do.
Tip 13 - It’s not about willpower and deprivation.
Tip 14 - Everything in moderation - a failing proposition.
Tip 1 - Treat your body like a house of worship … with respect.
Tip 2 - Got health?
Tip 3 - We do not have a health care crisis.
Tip 4 - Being healthy is a revolutionary act.
Tip 5 - Be an informed consumer. Have a healthy dose of skepticism.
Tip 6 - Genes load the gun, but lifestyle pulls the trigger.
Tip 7 - Are you on The Main Street Diet?
Tip 8 - The American diet is the worst diet you can eat.
Tip 9 - The Western diet can be funny.
Tip 10 - Myth buster: If you eat a healthy diet, it's bland and boring.
Tip 11 - Enjoy food.
Tip 12 - Diets don't work, lifestyle changes do.
Tip 13 - It’s not about willpower and deprivation.
Tip 14 - Everything in moderation - a failing proposition.
Ready, Set, Go
Tip 15 - Good habits are as addictive as bad habits and a lot more rewarding.
Tip 16 - Make an appointment.
Tip 17 - 150 is a magic number.
Tip 18 - The weigh-in.
Tip 19 - Know your Body Mass Index (BMI).
Tip 20 - Losing weight and living a healthy lifestyle is not complex.
Tip 21 - Get motivated.
Tip 22 - Gobble up a lot of information.
Tip 23 - Maintain a food and exercise journal.
Tip 24 - Stay strong. Be Strong.
Tip 25 - Embrace aging.
Tip 16 - Make an appointment.
Tip 17 - 150 is a magic number.
Tip 18 - The weigh-in.
Tip 19 - Know your Body Mass Index (BMI).
Tip 20 - Losing weight and living a healthy lifestyle is not complex.
Tip 21 - Get motivated.
Tip 22 - Gobble up a lot of information.
Tip 23 - Maintain a food and exercise journal.
Tip 24 - Stay strong. Be Strong.
Tip 25 - Embrace aging.
The Magic of Eating More and Loving Food
Tip 26 - Love food, not nutrients.
Tip 27 - Diet Dogma. Leaving the Circle of Disease.
Tip 28 - High Satiety.
Tip 29 - The missing ingredient.
Tip 30 - Order a winning combo-platter.
Tip 31 - Two magic nutrients.
Tip 32 - Let's be best friends.
Tip 33 - Can't get enough of your best friend.
Tip 34 - Try it. You'll like it.
Tip 35 - Veggies taste great.
Tip 36 - Eat less meat.
Tip 37 - Antibiotic factoid.
Tip 38 - Tame your taste buds
Tip 39 - Get off the bandwagon.
Tip 40 - Organic or bust.
Tip 41 - Healthy, not expensive.
Tip 42 - Fresh frozen.
Tip 43 - Healthy recipes galore.
Tip 44 - Eat more, not less.
Tip 45 - Eat more frequently.
Tip 46 - If you are hungry, eat.
Tip 47 - Unhealthy snacking.
Tip 48 - Bag the bag.
Tip 49 - Sugar in unlikely places.
Tip 50 - Know your food weaknesses.
Tip 51 - Pack it!
Tip 52 - Make your own healthy snacks.
Tip 53 - Locate a bar.
Tip 54 - Fruit is nature's candy.
Tip 55 - Make fruit smoothies a part of your routine.
Tip 56 - Go wild!
Tip 57 - Grow a garden.
Tip 58 - Eat with the seasons.
Tip 59 - Step outside the grocery store.
Tip 60 - Read the label.
Tip 61 - Read the ingredients.
Tip 62 - When zero is not zero.
Tip 63 - Get out your calculator.
Tip 64 - Ignore health claims.
Tip 65 - Calories are important.
Tip 66 - Calorie confusion.
Tip 67 - Do not drink your calories.
Tip 68 - Beware of health drinks.
Tip 69 - Are you an elite athlete?
Tip 70 - Kick the soda habit.
Tip 71 - Drink water.
Tip 72 - Chew slowly and with purpose.
Tip 73 - Control thy portions.
Tip 74 - Portion distortion.
Tip 75 - Dining out? You have entered the danger zone.
Tip 76 - It's party time.
Tip 77 - The low-fat scam.
Tip 78 - Practice the 5, 5, 5, 5 Plan.
Tip 27 - Diet Dogma. Leaving the Circle of Disease.
Tip 28 - High Satiety.
Tip 29 - The missing ingredient.
Tip 30 - Order a winning combo-platter.
Tip 31 - Two magic nutrients.
Tip 32 - Let's be best friends.
Tip 33 - Can't get enough of your best friend.
Tip 34 - Try it. You'll like it.
Tip 35 - Veggies taste great.
Tip 36 - Eat less meat.
Tip 37 - Antibiotic factoid.
Tip 38 - Tame your taste buds
Tip 39 - Get off the bandwagon.
Tip 40 - Organic or bust.
Tip 41 - Healthy, not expensive.
Tip 42 - Fresh frozen.
Tip 43 - Healthy recipes galore.
Tip 44 - Eat more, not less.
Tip 45 - Eat more frequently.
Tip 46 - If you are hungry, eat.
Tip 47 - Unhealthy snacking.
Tip 48 - Bag the bag.
Tip 49 - Sugar in unlikely places.
Tip 50 - Know your food weaknesses.
Tip 51 - Pack it!
Tip 52 - Make your own healthy snacks.
Tip 53 - Locate a bar.
Tip 54 - Fruit is nature's candy.
Tip 55 - Make fruit smoothies a part of your routine.
Tip 56 - Go wild!
Tip 57 - Grow a garden.
Tip 58 - Eat with the seasons.
Tip 59 - Step outside the grocery store.
Tip 60 - Read the label.
Tip 61 - Read the ingredients.
Tip 62 - When zero is not zero.
Tip 63 - Get out your calculator.
Tip 64 - Ignore health claims.
Tip 65 - Calories are important.
Tip 66 - Calorie confusion.
Tip 67 - Do not drink your calories.
Tip 68 - Beware of health drinks.
Tip 69 - Are you an elite athlete?
Tip 70 - Kick the soda habit.
Tip 71 - Drink water.
Tip 72 - Chew slowly and with purpose.
Tip 73 - Control thy portions.
Tip 74 - Portion distortion.
Tip 75 - Dining out? You have entered the danger zone.
Tip 76 - It's party time.
Tip 77 - The low-fat scam.
Tip 78 - Practice the 5, 5, 5, 5 Plan.
Keep it Moving
Tip 79 - Trite, but true: Exercise is important.
Tip 80 - Hang ten.
Tip 81 - Exercise is easy.
Tip 82 - Cheap meds.
Tip 83 - The magic pill.
Tip 84 - Engage the funny bone.
Tip 85 - Get Dense.
Tip 86 - King Squat.
Tip 87 - Meet the King of the exercise movement.
Tip 88 - Listen to your body.
Tip 89 - Be in the driver's seat.
Tip 80 - Hang ten.
Tip 81 - Exercise is easy.
Tip 82 - Cheap meds.
Tip 83 - The magic pill.
Tip 84 - Engage the funny bone.
Tip 85 - Get Dense.
Tip 86 - King Squat.
Tip 87 - Meet the King of the exercise movement.
Tip 88 - Listen to your body.
Tip 89 - Be in the driver's seat.
Tip 90 - This is a test. This is only a test.
Tip 91 - Be a tortoise.
Tip 92 - Being healthy is patriotic.
Tip 93 - Do not get bogged down with minutia.
Tip 94 - Have a plan. The 6-Ps Formula.
Tip 95 - Enjoy nature. Get outside.
Tip 96 - Identify expert advice. Find your mentors. Good information abounds.
Tip 97 - Timeless advice.
Tip 98 - Every day is training day.
Tip 99 - A two-fer.
Tip 100 - Laugh a lot.
Tip 101 - We must apply.
Tip 91 - Be a tortoise.
Tip 92 - Being healthy is patriotic.
Tip 93 - Do not get bogged down with minutia.
Tip 94 - Have a plan. The 6-Ps Formula.
Tip 95 - Enjoy nature. Get outside.
Tip 96 - Identify expert advice. Find your mentors. Good information abounds.
Tip 97 - Timeless advice.
Tip 98 - Every day is training day.
Tip 99 - A two-fer.
Tip 100 - Laugh a lot.
Tip 101 - We must apply.