20. Losing weight and living a healthy lifestyle is not complex.
Marion Nestle, famed nutritionist from NYU, states: “If you are going to advise people to do something about obesity it’s really not that complicated.” Her mantra: Eat Less, Move More, and Eat Lots of Fruit and Vegetables.
Dr. David Katz, professor of preventive medicine at Yale Medical School and an expert on obesity, opines: "We also act as if obesity is complex and needs endless research into causes. While it will not be easy to fix, it is simple: we eat too much, and do too little. When the food supply was more wholesome and close to nature and calories not so abundant, and when everybody did physical work every day, obesity was almost nonexistent. This is not rocket science."
As a side note: I do not agree with the Eat Less message. I concur with Dr. Joel Fuhrman: “It’s the road to failure trying to eat less exercise more.” More on this later.
Dr. David Katz, professor of preventive medicine at Yale Medical School and an expert on obesity, opines: "We also act as if obesity is complex and needs endless research into causes. While it will not be easy to fix, it is simple: we eat too much, and do too little. When the food supply was more wholesome and close to nature and calories not so abundant, and when everybody did physical work every day, obesity was almost nonexistent. This is not rocket science."
As a side note: I do not agree with the Eat Less message. I concur with Dr. Joel Fuhrman: “It’s the road to failure trying to eat less exercise more.” More on this later.
Dr. Joel Fuhrman author of Eat to Live
Meet the Obesity System Influence Diagram
You can make this complex. However, I choose not to.
You can make this complex. However, I choose not to.